Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Six new items will be up, at a more decent hour, later on today. Three of them are totally new techniques for me, which has been a lot of fun. It's sort of like a puzzle...frustrating, but awesome when you solve it. I'm super excited to post these- especially with my upcoming End-Of-November and Free Shipping sales I have coming up so, so soon.

Tom and I are going to have Thanksgiving with my family in Phoenix this year. Then we're having a second dinner with his family on Friday. I sense that a lot of stress about fitting into all of those swimsuits I've purchased for the honeymoon will be starting up any minute now.

It's 3AM (I must be lonely...anyone?) and I'm starving. Food and then finally sleep. So much to do tomorrow!

This is what our desk looks like when I take the neccessary bajillion photos of new pieces and figure out pricing.

I wish I'd thought about buying a life-sized bust so I wouldn't have to wait around for someone to take pictures of me wearing everything. Note to self- be more logical.

Here's a preview of the new necklaces. Pretty, yeah? I'm really happy with how they turned out. 

G'night! Appley

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including my shop, Lizbeth's Garden.
