Friday, June 19, 2009

My Goals For Summer 2009:

  1. Love my job, but do not let it become my entire life (...we'll see).
  2. Play with Ginny everyday.
  3. Stop screaming like a girl whenever I see a bug.
  4. Keep making jewelry, but not obsessively.
  5. Keep the kitchen at least reasonably stocked with real groceries, and not just the the salty prepackaged crap.
  6. Eat popsicles regularly.
  7. Wear shorts and skirts even though I hate how pastey my legs are.
  8. Spend time with friends and not just Tom...
  9. ...But still have time for Tom.
  10. Be active and happy, and not just in my PJs in front of the TV on my days off.
  11. Read. Lots.
  12. Get back into art/music/films and be passionate about things that are not directly tied to my relationship.
  13. Actually use my NetFlix account since I'm being charged for it anyway.
  14. Make new friends (cue Girl Scouts song).
  15. Eat fruit, not McDonalds.
  16. Save money and start paying off my debt.
  17. Don't blow off signing up for classes.
  18. Find new and effective ways to relax, since I have figured out how to keep stressing out in all of my current methods
  19. Buy sidewalk chalk and draw on my back patio.
  20. Keep a pitcher of iced tea in the fridge.
  21. Remember to apply high SPF sunscreen to the point of an OCD diagnosis since I bake in even minimal sun exposure.
  22. Be happy on my birthday (5 days away!) and still wear a silly tiara or similar, even if I only get to wear it after work.
  23. Go to the movies, even if they're stupid. Free A/C is great, no matter the circumstances.
  24. Stop talking like a Psych student ("to the point of an OCD diagnosis? Really?) and become a real person again.
  25. Keep my nails as un-disgusting as possible.
  26. SMILE :)
OK, so the last one was just to wrap it all up in a cheesy way, but the rest were sincere. I absolutely canNOT allow myself to become a stressball of unfun again.

And now, one of my favorite summertime pictures:

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